

我尖叫! 你尖叫! 我们都为冰淇淋尖叫! 圣扎迦利 Plauger照片
圣扎迦利 Plauger, 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 Alumni, holding the perfect summer treat 在他的新公司“奶牛场”工作.

圣扎迦利 P劳格在西弗吉尼亚州的凯撒长大. He knew early on that 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 was where he wanted to continue his education upon graduation from high school. He liked that it is local with many of the same educational opportunities as the 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台位于 campus — just smaller and not so spread out. 他能够接受 advantage of the free tuition offered by the WV Invests Grant Program.

圣扎迦利’s biggest fear with starting college was not making close 朋友hips. 自 he was a commuter student, he didn’t think he would have the opportunity to make 朋友. 在PSC的第一天,他遇到了很多人. 扎卡里认为这是小公司的功劳 size of PSC for allowing increased interaction with faculty, staff, and fellow 学生. “I headed to the student union with the intention to meet people and 那个地点没有让我失望. 我在那里遇到了很多人。”扎卡里说道.

“Between classes and working, I didn’t have a lot of time to commit to clubs or other activities, even though PSC offered a wide variety of both. 相反,我很享受 self-initiating my recreation opportunities at the student union. 这是我最喜欢的 见面和交朋友的地方. 我还参加了允许的快闪活动 学生们尽可能地来串门. 这与我的时间表配合得很好.”

在学术上,PSC没有辜负他的第一印象. 他最喜欢的课程是经济学 约翰·斯通教授. The classes opened his eyes to the world of business, 这是他以前从未考虑过的. 他受到启发,想开一家公司, 但稍后会详细介绍……

圣扎迦利 enjoyed computer classes, particularly the networking ones. 运行以太网 cables, setting up servers, and learning how to create a network of computers, 打印机等.,是他特别感兴趣的.

At PSC, 圣扎迦利 built connections and had networking opportunities with both fellow 在他的职业生涯中帮助过他的学生和教师. 他提高了沟通能力 skills, learned how the IRS works, how taxes are determined, and even how to do 他自己经营企业的税. 大二的时候,他创立了一家五年的公司 plan for an ice cream shop that later became the model for his business — The Dairy 谷仓,位于Keyser.

“Assistant professor, Amy Weaver, instructed me on creating a business plan. 她的 classes were instrumental in helping me create my business plan for The Dairy Barn,” 说扎克.

When reflecting on the campus culture, Zach shared, “The campus was very inviting. 每天总有一些事情发生. 没有无聊的时刻. As I mentioned earlier, the student union was my favorite hang-out spot, but I also really enjoyed the pop-up events and special events. 对我来说最难忘的 were the pop-ups where 学生 could enjoy snow cones, cookies, and other delicious 零食. I also attended career days, blood drives, and the Cowboy Dance.”

The fun stopped abruptly on March 20, 2020, when the campus was closed due to the COVID大流行. 幸运的是,学习并没有结束. 校园教职员工 swung into action to provide a remote learning environment. 扎卡里注意到:“我的 校园里的物理时间被限制住了. 我一开始是在校园,后来换成了远程 learning, and then ended my time with PSC back on the campus once the pandemic 限制放宽.”

Fortunately, despite the pandemic, 圣扎迦利 graduated on schedule from PSC in May 2021. He received a Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Information Systems.

On July 10, 2021, 圣扎迦利 realized his business plan when he and his mom, Tania Plauger, 开了奶牛场. Zach shared, “I am the ‘Face and Brains’ of The Dairy Barn and my mom, (whom Zach affectionately refers to as ‘The Bank’), handles some of 幕后的责任. 她目前在其他地方全职工作 but plans to work at the Dairy Barn full-time once she retires.

The Dairy Barn started out on Armstrong Street in downtown Keyser. 生意是 an instant success, so much so that they grew out of that location. 没有 enough room to serve the volume of customers frequenting the shop. “没有。 longer enough room so that people could sit down and enjoy their dessert. 他们 不得不离开,到别处去吃,”扎卡里说.

This season, The Dairy Barn reopened in a roomy storefront in the Sav-a-lot Shopping Center at 397 New Creek Highway (Route 220) in Keyser. 软冰淇淋 sold there is made from milk sourced from a small family-owned dairy in Pennsylvania. 圣扎迦利 explained, “The ice cream has a richer taste. 饲养荷斯坦牛 产生低乳糖. Customers who have lactose sensitivities comment that our ice cream doesn’t bother them like other brands do.”

The Dairy Barn features three flavors of ice cream per day. 当然,巧克力 还有香草味的. 各种各样的其他口味被旋转成 当天的味道. There are also 30 flavors to choose from if you opt for a snowball 而不是冰淇淋. The snow cone pop-up events at PSC definitely influenced 这个菜单项.

In July, The Dairy Barn is adding three new dessert items — brownies, funnel cakes, 和比利时华夫饼. “The customer picks their dessert base, favorite ice cream 调味料,两种浇头,糖浆可选. 最后再淋上一层鲜奶油 奶油,当然还有樱桃,”扎卡里补充道.

In August, The Dairy Barn will be adding food items, but you will have to wait until 去了解更多十大网赌靠谱信誉平台他们的事情——这是一个惊喜! 计划是扩大菜单 厨房扩建完成后会更多.

When you are in town, stop by The Dairy Barn and enjoy some ice cream or other delectably 甜食. Remember to “like,” “follow,” and “share” The Dairy Barn on 脸谱网 where you can keep up with all their news and most importantly — learn 今天的冰淇淋口味!

Zach reflected again on his time at 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台, “Even though COVID interrupted my time at PSC, I still have fond memories while on the campus.“扎克 shared this advice to future 学生, “Don’t be afraid. 承担风险. 不要说 拒绝新的机会. These new experiences might lead you down a path that you didn’t know you wanted to go down, but you are better because of taking a chance.”