
Former Catamount Reflects on How Potomac State Baseball Trained Him to Be Calm in the Toughest of Situations


唐·谢弗著, assistant baseball coach and physical education instructor

人们常说 棒球运动只是一项游戏.  玩过的人都知道 否则.  它是如此之多.  这个游戏反映了现实生活.  It prepares so many for life’s challenges, obstacles, and careers.

对尼克·库珀来说, 棒球就是这样做的.

棒球比赛的压力显得微不足道 comparison to a life-threatening emergency that plays out 4000 feet above the ground, but for Cooper, the lessons he learned on the baseball field prepared him for so much more than most of us must deal with daily.

尼克·库珀救了 生活.

当库珀开始做 student at 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 in 2003, he was like many freshmen -- 对自己的决定不确定.

“有很多 unknowns at that time but choosing Potomac State proved to be one of the best 我一生中所做的决定,”库珀说.  “我去那里玩 baseball, not knowing a single person or what my future would hold.  I left Potomac State with so many great memories, lifelong friendships and I even 在社会学课上认识了我未来的妻子. 我在课堂上的经历 the baseball field are directly responsible for my 职业道路 and my ability 在我的职业中出类拔萃.”

为了在 Cooper’s profession, one needs to know his stuff and, even more importantly, 能控制自己的情绪吗.  库珀说他的经历 baseball field during his time at 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 helped create his 职业道路.

库珀是 护士.  However, much of his medical career has been as a flight 护士 working in a helicopter covering more than six states and often arriving at scenes of accidents and emergencies that require a composure Cooper attributes 他的运动经历.

棒球教练们 at Potomac State taught us all life skills that have served to make me a better 护士和一个更好的人. 这是我们在大学里学到的最重要的东西之一 运动员是场上最冷静的球员. 我们被教育成 pitcher, if you gave up a homerun, you showed no emotion, you got the ball and 回到投手丘准备投下一球. 你又回到了 手头的任务. 这一点每天都被灌输给我们. 我还知道了a的值 great work ethic during that time frame and the importance of teamwork.”

在他毕业后 Potomac State, he went on to West Virginia University and finished his 护理专业本科学历.  然后他开始了他的职业生涯 Medical/Surgical Intensive Care Unit at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, W.Va.  It was in this setting that Cooper put this freshly instilled Potomac State 使用的心态.

“日复一日, the intensive care unit is an extremely stressful environment and where 紧急情况很常见,”库珀说.  “我有了名声 of being the calmest person in the room during any situation and always being able to think critically and act with precision under stress.  我先进 in the ICU over a three-year period and was promoted to charge 护士 where I would lead the 护士s for that shift and bounce around to help in all the 整个医院的危急反应.”

库珀小的时候, his mother had worked as a flight 护士, and he was fascinated by the aeromedical field and wanted to follow in her footsteps.  “她是我的。 她是我的导师,也是我最大的支持者。.

所以,三年之后 as the charge 护士, Cooper set his sights on a new goal.  虽然 minimum experience for flight nursing is three years, it traditionally takes much longer for one to develop the skills and poise to be able to perform the job.  Cooper was able to achieve the dream of becoming a flight 护士 and says, “I whole-hearted believe it was because of the ‘calmest person in the room’ mindset that was instilled in me while at Potomac State.”

七岁以上 years, Cooper flew for HealthNet Aeromedical Services as a board-certified registered flight 护士, safely completing over 750 patient transports.

反映 experiences, Cooper shares, “I saw patients on the worst days of their 生活, 我工作的每一个班次. 服务危重伤员 is one of the most rewarding jobs I could ever think of. 虽然不是每一个 outcome is favorable, you are able to go home at the end of your shift knowing that you made an impact in the life of patients and families that they will 永远不会忘记.”

尼克·库珀救了 生活.


库珀的 accomplishments he was given the award of HealthNet’s inaugural OneTeam 卓越奖. The award is given to one employee who exemplifies the mission, vision, and values that HealthNet Aeromedical strives to uphold.

库珀又说了 climbed the medical profession with the responsibility of training the next 轮岗护士.  自2017年以来,他一直担任董事 currently the Director of Education for HealthNet, responsible for the education and training for all flight crew as well as the EMS personnel on the newly added branch of ambulance services, HealthTeam.

库珀继续 fly on the aircraft, just “not as much as what I would like.”

The HealthNet Education Department was awarded the West Virginia 特快专递办事处 年度最佳培训中心 2018年获奖情况. 大多数 recently, HealthNet was awarded the international award from the Association of 空中医疗服务 2019年度计划.

库珀反思道 the awards, “it is an honor to be a part of an organization that is recognized around the world as one of the best Aeromedical Programs in operation.”

库珀最近的挑战需要另一个 level of calmness as he and his wife Kari, who is also an alumna of Potomac State and a pharmacist, became the proud parents of twins, Paris and Carson, 谁在十二月满一岁了.  库珀计划再一次依靠 他作为波托马克州立棒球队球员的经历.

“我学到的教训 learned playing baseball at Potomac State shaped me as a 护士, as a person, 现在作为一个家长. I am overwhelmingly appreciative of my time there and the 作为Catamount获得的经验.”